Activity Bar

Home Screen Activity Bar

By Default, many reports will appear on your homepage. Depending on your user role, you will see different reports. A moderator will see the following pre-configured reports;

    • All - Draft
    • All - Submitted
    • All - Build
    • All - QA
    • All - Overdue
    • All - All
    • Active - All

These reports are designed to mirror your build process to indicate the number of requests in your region (these reports are filtered by the Geo field on your account settings). 

Main Sections

There are two main functional areas to the reports;

  1. The counts bar
  2. The report results

By clicking on a number on the counts bar, you will change the data in the results of the report to see the records that make up the report. 

Report Controls

There are a number of control that allow you to mondify the results on the page. 

  1. Export -  Export up to 1000 records in one click. This will save them to Excel and show the columns and data as seen on your homepage. 
  2. Settings (Admin only) - Change the settings of the report currently selected. 
  3. Tactic Title Search - quickly find the tactics on your homepage with a search of the title field of your requests.

Reports Table

You can filter and sort by all tactic fields/attributes - the attributes being displayed can be customised through the Report Controls. 

The three dot icon beside a tactic title will give you the option of the following actions:

  • Open Summary
  • Approval Status
  • Clone
  • Comment
  • Task
  • Delete