Creating a Report
Navigating Reports
To create a report you need to go through the following steps:
- From the dashboard select the "Reports" icon. (1)
- On the report structure view select a folder where the report should be located.
- Click the '+' icon at the top of the page. (2)
You will then be redirected to the "Report Creation" page where you need to fill in the fields with relevant data.
Creating a Report
This is the screen for populating data for reports.
- Name - Specify the name of the report.
- Type - Chose the report type. This can be Standard or Advanced
- Advanced are created only by Administrators
- Standard can be created by anyone
- Content Type - Choose whether you would like to report on campaigns (briefs/tactics), or at the task level (build items), or if you want it to be an audit item.
- View - Specify if you would like a list of results or tiles of results in the View drop-down. Generally, a list is most often used.
- Columns - Choose the fields you would like included in your report.
- Default Query - Enter the Default Query string. This will be the filter which will determine the count, and it will be run as the actual search when clicked.
- Alternates - this can be an alternate query string, this will appear as drop-down options on dashboards.
After filling all the fields click the Save button to save your work and return to the All Reports page.