Search Overview
You can search through items created within the system including tactics, channels and assets.
Use the search bar to search for a title, results are shown in order of last modified.
Results are shown below the search bar (2).
Playbooks are shown in Grey and are clearly marked with a background.
If you are looking for a specific item, it is best practice to search using the campaign code autogenerated by the system.
Below are the types of filters currently available:
All Items - For a generic search of items, use the “All Items” filter and enter the name of the item you wish to find.
My Items - If you know the item is owned by yourself, you can use the “My Items” filter to display and search only the tactics that belong to you.
Awaiting Approval - If you want to see items that need approval, at the tactic, channel, asset or task level, then use the “Awaiting Approval” filter.
My Build Items - To search for your tactics which have the status “Build”, use the “My Build Items” filter.
By Code - Each tactic, channel and asset in the system has a unique code (denoted by the #). You can search for this code to find the item you are looking for.
The items are colour coded to allow for easy identification.