Hierarchy Overview

Campaign Structure (Hierarchy)

The campaign hierarchy can be viewed from the Hierarchy page. This hierarchy resembles the campaign hierarchy within your CRM system.

There are direct links to the briefs for tactics, channels and assets in the hierarchy.

By default this hierarchy is as follows​:

  1. Campaign – High level strategic buckets – Yearly Themes
  2. Program – Next level strategic buckets – Quarterly Themes – Created dynamically by Region / Quarter
  3. Tactic – The offer that is being presented – Whitepaper, Event etc.
  4. Channel – The primary communication method to direct contacts to the offer – Email, Social etc.

When creating a brief, this is done at the tactic level. Please go to the Create a Brief page for more information. Campaigns and programs are selected as part of the request through the Parent Picker. Channel(s) are the lowest level in the hierarchy you will see in your CRM system (Salesforce integration).

The assets do form part of the hierarchy in Demand.Center. They come underneath channels but will only be sent to your Marketing Automation System not to your CRM system.

Please note the terminology for "Campaign" and "Program" can be customized