Demand.Center - Release Notes

The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of CRMT.

Version 2.13 (Winter '23)

  • Bug Fixes
  • Self Service Platform Admin Features
  • Set Maximum Records on Data Loader
  • Ability to See integrations on Activity Dashboards
  • Salesforce resync - fields, updated on re-sync
  • Marketo program resync - name desciption, tags, tokens updated

Version 2.12 (Autumn '23)

  • Bug Fixes and Security Updates
  • Single Sign-On
  • Image upload integration to MAPs
  • Support for Marketo dynamic content

Version 2.11 (Autumn '22)

  • Security updates to comply with OWASP
    • Security based on role
    • Resctrict access based on user role (optional)
  • Homepage updates
    • Sort by individual field
    • Search by individual field
    • Configurable Shortcuts
    • Recent items on display
    • User Announcements
  • Tasks update 
    • Configure tasks or checklists for each asset automatically
    • Set SLA calculations
    • Planned and Actual time recording
    • Automated task assignment based on user/group/geo
  • Request Updates
    • Assign a request to a user or group
    • Assignment can be changed at each status change
    • Comment on each status change

Version 2.10 (Autumn '21)

  • Asset Builder Revamp
  • Asset Control Update
  • Tasks Simplification
  • Rich Text Fields
  • Archiving
  • Other General UI Changes

Version 2.9 (Spring '21)

  • Data Uploader 2.0 
  • Dark Mode
  • User invite process revamp 
  • User/Group picker revamp 
  • Multi-select user process configuration

Version 2.8 (Winter '20)

  • Create Assets from any Tactic, Playbook or Asset Library
  • Create Assets from the Tactic Summary page
  • Sync Tactics and Playbooks
  • Channel level Language Field 
  • Reporting Enhancements

Version 2.7 (Autumn '20)

  • Calendar Enhancements
  • Asset Auto-Save
  • Asset Versioning
  • Hompage UI Enhancements
  • System Maintenance 

Version 2.6 (Summer '20)

  • New Tasks UI
  • New Tasks System
  • Comment Notifications
  • Further Reporting Enhancements
  • Playbook Enhancements

Version 2.5 (Spring '20)

Greater power for Admin users:

  • Create New Asset Types
  • Add New Fields to Tactics, Channels and Assets
  • Edit Field Labels
  • Create Dependent Fields
  • Create Sections
  • Edit Field Positions

Version 2.4 (Winter '19)

Improved User Interface

  • Tactic Status Bar
  • Status Change Button Improvements
  • Edit Channels, Tactics and Assets from the Summary Page
  • Validation on Summary Page for Incomplete Required Fields  


  • Change Snippet Icon
  • Faster Loading Time
  • Improved UI


  • Triggered Notifications
  • Flexible Rules
  • New Email Design and Layout


  •  Settings Open First

External Summary Page

  • Share a Tactic via Email
  • Share the Tactic to Non-Demand.Center Users