User Control


  • You’ll see that we have now added the user control to the configuration menu.
  • This will allow for less clutter on the user dropdown.
  • The user control is now smarter, more intuitive and easier to use in version 2.9 with the addition of filtering, groups control and more.

User Invite Process

  • To add a user, start by clicking the ‘Add User’ button and fill in all the fields – especially the required fields.
  • The require fields are:
    • Email Address
    • Username – this is normally the start of the users email address
    • Primary Role – Moderator/Marketer
    • GEO – Global, EMEA, APAC, NAMER.
  • Other fields are:
    • Secondary Roles – Administrator/ Playmaker
    • Notification frequency
    • Full Name
    • Timezone – defaulting to GMT
    • Group

Editing Users

  • If you want to edit users, just click the pen and paper icon on the left-hand side.
  • This will bring up the user record and you can edit from the window.

Groups Control

  • Click the ‘Groups’ button to display the groups window
  • You’ll see all of the groups that have been created here, if you want to create a new group you need to click ‘Add new record’
  • This will add another free text field to the list – groups must start with the hashtag (‘#’) button.

Bulk Editing & Actions

  • You can select more than one user by either using Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click
  • The ‘Action’ button will appear if one or more users are selected
  • Actions include:
    • Disable – disables selected users, users will not be able to access the platform
    • Enable – revives disabled users so they can access DC again
    • Add Group – Adds a specified group to all selected users
    • Remove Group – removes specified group from the selected users
    • Assign GEO – assigns a GEO to selected users that is specified by you

Filtering Down

  • Click the filter button beside the column title
  • Then you can start typing an option and the dropdown will appear
  • You could also click the text box and the dropdown will appear with all options