Campaign Hierarchy

Demand.Center Hierarchy Definitions

  1. Campaign – High level strategic buckets – Yearly Themes
  2. Program – Next level strategic buckets – Quarterly Themes – Created dynamically by Region / Quarter
  3. Tactic – The offer that is being presented – Whitepaper, Event etc.
  4. Channel – The primary communication method to direct contacts to the offer – Email, Social etc.

Important notes:

A channel is different to an asset. A channel is made up of multiple asset types (emails, forms, landing pages etc.)​. The channel type is based on the primary communication method​. 

Demand.Center Campaign Hierarchy

Campaign Hierarchy

Campaign hierarchy gets defined within the request process. Read more about the request process here

Demand.Center gives you easy access to the campaign hierarchy. Click here for a hierarchy overview.

Naming conventions define the hierarchy. Read more about naming conventions here.